61   2014 is coming to a close as I write this column, and I hope 2015 is off to a good start as you read itI was missing music so much around the holidays that my husband took me to Grace Cathedral in San Francisco to get a real fix on Christmas Eve.  It’s long since time for us to leave Reedsport, OR, so we’ll be putting our house on the market in the spring hoping it won’t take too long to sell since we’re not really sure where we are going.

Meanwhile, in October, the Armstrong State U. in Savannah, GA hosted a lecture by our own Ken Blanchard, PhD '67.  Doug Fuss writes that classmate John Sobke orchestrated the event and held at dinner at his home at The Landings to welcome Ken and to renew old friendships.  More than 1,000 people attended his lecture entitled “Effective Leadership is More About the Power of Love than the Love of Power.”  In his lecture, Ken discussed how the world is in desperate need of a different leadership role model.  He focused on the importance of taking care of employees, customers and other constituents through servant leadership. Following the lecture there was a dinner to honor Ken’s contribution to the Armstrong students and faculty.

In other news, also in October, Arthur Tasker and his twin brother John (Brown ‘61) celebrated their 75th birthdays with a gala party in Greenport, NY, where both graduated from Greenport HS before their college adventures.  Doug Fuss also noted that he and Arthur have been friends since their days in U-Hall 3 as freshmen.  Also attending the event were Scon Bocutti and Alex Veech, fraternity brothers at Phi Kappa Psi. Arthur and wife Lucia have recently moved permanently to Greenport.  A comment from Arthur: “John was Brown '61 and made many visits to Cornell/PKP over the years.  Remember the time he brought the (live) Brown Bear for a football game?  It was in the back end of a very smelly wagon in the PKP parking lot and the cook wouldn’t come into the house.” Ah, yes, the good memories.

Please look for the class's annual News and Dues mailing this spring and remember to send your news on the class form. Alternatively, you can submit news online at http://www.alumni.cornell.edu/participate/class-notes.cfm.

Susan Williams Stevens, sastevens61@gmail.com; Doug Fuss, dougout@attglobal.net